
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here's a random thought for you

Having absolutely broken my NYE resolution of keeping up w/writing on my blog, here I am a mere TWO months since my last entry. What's amusing is that along with my on again off again blogging style, I see a pattern with our still unfinished bathroom project that we started in October though we're slowly adding touches here and there.

For now the biggest factors missing are molding at the ceiling and lights over the vanity mirrors.
In figuring out why we are such procrastinators I think I've realized a few things:
1) Money (it DOES make the world go 'round, at least when it comes to house projects)
2) Fun things tend to push off our house projects (i.e 3 snowboarding trips, 1 golf trip, 1 Irish Festival, 1 girls spa weekend, on so on...)
3) MPS (male project speed) versus FPS (female project speed). I've realized that women tend to want to start and finish a project within a 2-3 weekends, while men work on the project when they get the urge or the push by the wife; and they seem to be OK w/unfinished projects.
4) In the house we buy together, it will need nothing more than changing of paint colors or things I'm capable of doing myself. No wiring, no hanging of molding; the only exception to the rule is if we buy one in need of new kitchen which will then be in the hands of contractors.

Of course I realize that even painting in the next house will bring up all kinds of other issues as the hubster enjoys picking paint colors and we rarely agree on them. But that's an issue that I won't have to worry about for quite some time.