Anyway, with forecasted temperatures of 67 last Sunday (Nov 13th), I set off to work on the flower beds on the front of the house (after spending ALL DAY on Saturday painting The Kitchen [still a work in progress but will post pics soon]). We also just put down grass seed on Halloween! (There are baby grass sprouts popping up though!!)
The beds are already full of azaleas that bloomed pink in April or May when we were first stalking the house. As I have no azaleas over at The Old House, I recently learned that you have to prune them right after they bloom. I so missed the boat on that until this coming late Spring.
Not knowing what any of the other bushes were, I went ahead and pruned them a little. I also pulled out all of that ground cover which I think is Vinca. Not that I'm against Vinca, but the former owners were not into gardens so they put the stuff in every garden bed in lieu of flowers. I mean I get it, no ground showing no weeds, but I can make a LITTLE more effort than that....
This guy did not need much so I just trimmed him up a little. See the ground cover below him? |
This one was shooting out everywhere so I clipped a bit more off him to give some shape. |
Side of the house with weeds and lots and lots of Vinca. |
Iris - 25 bulbs
Monet Tulips - 60 bulbs
Queen of the Night - 20 bulbs
Apple Blossom Tulips - 25 bulbs
That's 130 bulbs for anyone who's counting!
PLUS 36 purple pansies I got that morning at Lowes and a Eucalyptus that I bought at Walmart over a month ago and forgot about (at least it's been rainy enough here to sustain it).
Digging trenches and placing them in the trenches is by far easier than using a bulb planter and putting each bulb in one by one. The pictures don't look like it but I did dig the appropriate 6 inches deep.
AFTER (I know, don't be jealous of my beautiful Hydrangeas. Love. Them.) |
Cute Eucalyptus |
Some of the pansies which will hopefully fill in with the rain and last of the warm weather. |
There are plenty of other projects that I will start in early Spring but since a lot of planting/transplanting does not start until then, I will not be worrying with that before Winter. But we do plan on tackling one really overgrown area in our back yard between us and the neighbors. Hopefully those pictures will turn out better.
Oh, my aching back.
Camellias AND hydrangeas? You got a heck of a head start there ma'am! I can't wait to see the rest... I bought some tulip bulbs and they are sitting on the porch waiting to be planted. That counts, right?